Michelle collum

Texas City, TX, United States


Apr 03 at 09:18 PM

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Finally finished the Halloween mini album using die cuts with a view floral frights paper pack. This was a challenge with it only being my second album. The paper was tricky for me! But Iā€™m pleased with how it turned out. I added a few things from my stash to give me some extra cut aparts and accents. Thanks Frances for the opportunity to learn from you. And thanks to those who helped get me out of the paper slump! Blessings!



Mar 14 at 05:36 PM

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My first book! I do coffee dates with friends a lot so wanted to be able to feature those in a book. Iā€™m a great copier but not very creative so wow. What a challenge to work through this! I have a ton to learn about choosing papers and placement of things but Iā€™m very pleased with this. So many cut aparts! I used Echo Park Coffe and friends paper pack from Amazon. Thanks Frances for inspiring me!