Joan Young

Toowoomba, Australia

I am the wife of a wonderful man & mother to two (semi) grown sons.

Jan 30 at 11:31 PM

Thank you! I love Stamperia, they're so unique!

The camera stamps I had seemed so out of place with the album, too bold. I wanted something with a little elegance. Thanks for your encouragement! πŸ’•πŸŒΉ


Jan 30 at 11:23 PM

Thank you! I was taken with how the embellishments were slightly darker but not too different, & how they brought the colours of the watercolours to life.

Again, thank you. I had so much fun with it. I wanted my friends to feel really loved, & to perhaps provide a way for them to express their love for their grandchild. If that makes sense?

Your encouragement means a lot. πŸ™πŸŒ»

Jan 30 at 11:19 PM

Thank you Frances! πŸ’• To be honest, I think I just forgot to leave a border around the matting. πŸ˜† I had the measurements written down & went with it! Haha! But it works, so yay! πŸ˜„

I love the watercolour images, too. I'm learning how to paint watercolour animals so I can illustrate my own book. Peter Rabbit is such an inspiration & a favourite of mine.πŸ’•


Jan 28 at 02:54 AM

1 / 9
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2nd Baby Album. Easy Mini Album. Stamperia Woodland ephemera. Country Companions paper pack (2012).

This one is so cute. I cut & placed the paper upside down for the large pocket so made it a left page.
I sealed both books with a matte medium.

Thanks for the opportunity to share!πŸ’•


Jan 26 at 04:52 PM


Jan 23 at 01:20 PM

I love the paper so much & I wanted to have its story be told.

My son asked me to make an album for his friend's 18th & I had 2 days to do that. πŸ˜† So I must be doing something right to get such a request.

Thanks for being an excellent teacher, Frances.


Jan 23 at 01:17 PM

Thank you! πŸ˜„πŸ™


Jan 23 at 01:17 PM

πŸ˜† It's nice to know I'm in good company! 🀣


Jan 17 at 09:42 PM

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10 / 10

Easy Mini Album.

This is my 1st proper attempt at creating an album!
Dear friends of mine had 2 granddaughters delivered within a few weeks of each other at Christmas, & I was suddenly inspired to make two little albums for them.
It's been a lot of fun!
A LOT of re-cutting despite my measuring many times before cutting. It's a trait of mine & absolutely nothing to do with the class. Frances's teaching is excellent & stopped me from making a disaster!

I chose to cover each page or section with its assigned paper before I put it in the album. I felt it would be easier this way.
I tell ya, avoiding being off by that hair's breadth is a doozy! πŸ˜†

The paper & ephemera are Kaisercraft Forest Friends. The set is still available but it's at least 2 years old, so it might be rare.

So here is album #1. πŸ’•πŸΏπŸ‡πŸ¦ŠπŸƒ


Jan 17 at 09:19 PM

FrancΔ—s Long thanks!! I have a few questions like this. Can't remember any right now, though! πŸ˜†
