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How does your subscription work?
The subscription plan is similar to how a gym membership works. While being a member at a gym, you use the equipment for a workout. When you cancel your membership, you stop going to that gym and no longer have access to the machines.
If I subscribe, do I still have access to the classes that I bought Individually?
Yes! You will still have forever access to the classes you have previously purchased individually.
If I subscribe, do I have access to all classes?
Yes, you gain instant access to the all classes + cutlists + podcasts! ( and every new release )
How do I download classes to watch offline?
Classes can be downloaded via smart phone or tablet on the YBM App. First, download the Your Book of Memories app onto your device. Once logged in, go to the class you wish to download, scroll down and select which class part you'd like to watch offline. From there, select the three little horizontal lines ( ... ) on the right side of the screen and select " download video ". You can repeat this for each class part. You can find your downloads in your account tab located at the bottom right of your screen.
Where can I find the Cutlist document?
Underneath the video player of the class you are viewing, under the "resources" tab.
Why is my Cutlist & Supplies document not downloading?
First and foremost a student must be logged in, in order to access the download button. It will be located at the bottom of the screen for any tutorial. Scroll until you see a resources tab, click it and the button should appear.
There are few things that may be causing trouble when downloading the cut-list(s)
1. It may be your iPad or tablet that does not have an office word program to support the cut-list document.
2. If using a Desktop Computer or Laptop, your web browser may have a safety or security feature that my be denying the download.
3. Not common, but happens, you have not a office or word program installed onto your desktop computer or laptop.
4. If you have a mac computer or laptop, Locate a little tv icon in the right most side of your top search bar. If clicked you can turn your pop up blocker off. If that does not work, please email me so I know to then email you the document directly.
How do I know what class is a good start for me as a beginner?
I am happy to say that any of my tutorials can be successfully and happily completed at any level of skill that you bring to the table! All that you choose, is how long and how much you want to learn during a single class project :)
How do I make changes to my current bank card information?
While logged in you can journey to the top right of the page ( on mobile ) and select the three horizontal lines. Then a drop-down menu will appear. From here, select dashboard. Once you're in your dashboard you can select the purchases tab and you can then change your bank card information.
How do I redeem a gift card?
Journey to the very bottom of the homepage and select " Redeem Gift card " then enter in the credentials.
How do I purchase a gift card?
Journey to the very bottom of the homepage and select " Buy a Gift card " then enter in the credentials.
How do I cancel my membership?
Here is a video on how to cancel your membership. Please note that there aren’t refunds for any or partially unused membership periods.